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Tours and Tailor Made Holidays to

Hawaii Island

  • CURRENCY US Dollars
  • LANGUAGE English
  • FLYING TIME 17 hrs 55 mins
  • TIME ZONE GMt - 10

Holidays in Hawaii Island, also known as the Big Island, are journeys into the heart of the Universe

Tailor Made Holidays to Hawaii Island

At Travel Concierge, we pride ourselves on tailoring holidays to Hawaii Island that are designed around your needs and expectations and not ours. We have a range of Hawaii Island holiday offers that we have negotiated special or exclusive deals on. We can also arrange multi centre Hawaii Island holiday itineraries as well as tours and excursions in Hawaii Island. For more information on our Hawaii Island holidays, call an Travel Concierge tailor-made expert on 0161 729 0099 and speak to one of our reservation experts who will be able to help you plan the perfect holiday in Hawaii Island.

Destination Overview

It is a land of fire tempered by winds, cleansed by water, and nurtured by earth. It is an ancient land with primeval, pristine landscapes and cultures and customs that have not been touched by outside influences.

Here virgin forests hide away magnificent waterfalls that tumble down steep cliffs, a colourful world of flora and fauna lie beneath the turquoise waters of the ocean, and hidden trails lead you to sun-soaked beaches, sleepy villages, and towering volcanic mountains that hiss and spew steam from their craters. Holidays in Hawaii Island, also known as the Big Island, are journeys into the heart of the Universe where mighty Nature’s creative forces are at work, shaping landmasses and cradling a myriad of life forms in Her bosom.

11 of the 13 climatic zones in the world are found in Hawaii Island. From barren lava deserts to verdant and fertile valleys nestled amidst snow-capped towering peaks, from dense tropical forests to black- and white-sand beaches, and from volcanic mountains on the land to colourful underwater coral reefs that nurture an abundance of marine life, Hawaii Island is home to a multitude of distinct natural environs and diverse landscapes. A holiday in Hawaii Island enthrals you with rare natural diversity that is not found anywhere else in the world.

A holiday to Hawaii Island is akin to a journey back in geological time to witness the dramatic and awe-inspiring process of Creation. Throughout the history of the earth, fires have created and shaped landmasses. The Kilauea Volcano spews and spills a sea of hot, molten lava that then slides down the mountainside, meets the sea with a smoky hiss, and cools and hardens to form a new mass of land. This process of creation has been going on for eons, so the landscape of Hawaii Island is continually shifting and changing. The lay of the land that you see today is not the same as it was yesterday, and the terrain will change form by tomorrow. On a Hawaii Island holiday, visit the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park to see lava fireworks light up the night sky or go on a helicopter ride for dramatic aerial views of giant craters venting steam and lava. Nowhere but on your Hawaii Island holidays can you get so close to an active volcano, a landform that has, throughout history, terrified, hypnotised, and fascinated man across different cultures.

A holiday to Hawaii is not only about lazing on the beach with a drink in hand. There are enchanting waterscapes at other nooks and crannies of the island as well. There are many waterfalls throughout Hawaii Island, and each presents a spectacular sight to gaze at and lose yourself in their beauty. The Hi’ilawe Falls plunges down a sheer 1300 feet in a thunderous display of sound and spray that seems to fill up the entire landscape. The ‘Akaka Falls, the Kahuna Falls, and the Wai’ilikahi Falls are tucked away deep inside forests, their pristine beauty jealously guarded by Mother Nature. The best time to visit the Waianuenue Falls is on a sunny morning when the water sparkles, glistens, and takes on the vibrant shades of the rainbow. The Pe’epe’e Falls tumbles down the cliffs in a multitude of trails to form a pool of rolling, bubbling, and sputtering water. Hike down to the edge of the falls and gaze up to marvel at the sheer drop or board a helicopter to get a glimpse of the waterfalls in remote, inaccessible regions. On your holidays to Hawaii Island, you can chase waterfalls all over the island and never come across one that looks like another.

A tour in Hawaii is not only about feasting your eyes on the brilliant sunsets, frolicking in the water, and hiking in the jungles. You will miss the essence of the land if you do not peek into the lives of the Hawaiians, understand their culture, and learn about their customs and beliefs. The culture of Hawaii dates back centuries, to a time when the consciousness of Polynesia was taking shape. It has remained untouched for all this time. It is a culture where myths and legends abound. The customs and practices of the people are in sync with the movement of the waves, the rustle of the wind, and the passage of seasons. The Hawaiian alphabet is the shortest in the world, but its nuances are complex and subtle. The words often have multiple layers of meaning, and people use soft sounds to communicate. Think mountain streams gurgling, waves lapping up against the shore, and winds murmuring through forests, and you will know why Hawaiians don’t need many words to speak. On a Hawaii holiday, pause to know an unknown culture and appreciate its authenticity.

When to visit Hawaii Island

Hawaii Island

Do you need inspiration for when to go on holiday to Hawaii Island? Give the team of experts at Travel Concierge a call and we will help you plan your Hawaii Island holiday at the best time of year for your requirements. Although our Hawaii Island holiday search tool will allow you to search for Hawaii Island holiday prices upto 11 months in advance, we can also price holidays to Hawaii Island for 2025 and 2026. We can advise on the best time to travel on your Hawaii Island holiday based on Hawaii Island weather, special events in Hawaii Island or even when the crowds in Hawaii Island are at their lowest.

Hawaii Island

With mild weather and balmy temperatures throughout the year, a Hawaii tour can be undertaken at any time of the year. There is no blizzard season to stay away from or sweltering summer days to avoid. The days are usually sunny barring a few days of rains in winter.

But the rains do not upset your itinerary; after a spell of rain, the greenery is more lush and air feels crisp and cool. But you might want to look over the social and cultural calendar before planning a Hawaii Island holiday. Hawaii Island holidays planned around festivals and events give you the opportunity to mingle with the friendly locals and observe their customs and practices from close quarters.

Spring is the season of bounties in Hawaii Island. The markets are flooded with fresh local fruits and vegetables and the forests are heady with the scent of tropical flowers. The spring air rings aloud with sonorous chants and lively beats during the Merrie Monarch Festival. During this week-long cultural fiesta—the highlight of the Hawaii social calendar—parades take over the streets and there is a splash of colours and a twirl of hula skirts wherever you look.

The days are warmer in summer, but you will hardly notice the difference. The forests are still lush, there is still an abundance of fruits, vegetables, and flowers, and aloha is on everybody’s lips. If you are on a Hawaii tour during summer, go off the beaten route and travel up to North Kohala on the northern fringe of the island to watch the King Kamehameha Day Celebration. In the 18th century, King Kamehameha had united the bitter and battling Hawaiian islands and brought the people together. The Hawaiians are proud of their legacy and show it off to the world during the grand King Kamehameha Day Celebration. Hula dancers in colourful ensembles, renowned Hawaiian musicians with their songs of unity, brotherhood, and aloha, and beautiful lei flowers add gaiety to the festival. It is a day when every Hawaiian makes a pledge to stand united to his brethren; you can feel their words resonate against the somber backdrop of sheer ocean cliffs and the verdant Pololu Valley.

The pick of the autumn season is the Ironman Triathlon World Championship. This event is more than three decades old and continues to attract elite athletes from all over the world. During this day-long event, participants battle a scorching sun, pounding waves, and stiff winds to complete a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bicycle ride, and a 26.2-mile run. Triathletes apart, this event draws viewers in multitudes who come to cheer the participants from the sidelines and take inspiration from their dedication, determination, resilience, and courage. The Kona Coffee Cultural Festival brews during this season and is the oldest food festival in Hawaii. This is not just an event to sip on that perfect cup of joe but also an occasion to celebrate a culture that dates back 200 years. That steaming cup of fine Kona coffee carries the whiff of heritage, and the kick you get out of every sip is the result of the back-breaking labor the farmers put in to grow the coffee. Yes, everything from picking to planting in Kona is done by hand. A cup of Kona coffee is made with love and tenderness!

A lot goes on during the winter months in Hawaii Island. It is the whale-watching season. Head out into the open seas to watch majestic humpback whales jet across the water surface, leap in the air, and land with a huge splash. If you are swimming or snorkelling in the waters frequented by humpback whales, you might even be lucky to hear the males of the species sing. A whale song is not your standard iTunes fare; it is Nature’s ritual that takes place in seclusion and away from the lights and glitter of urbanity. Winter is also prime surfing season in Hawaii Island. Ride the waves yourself, or watch the masters in action from the shore. Bursts of rain during winter feed the rivers and streams, making this season the ideal time to chase waterfalls. The waterfalls are more voluminous now, and it is indeed an awe-inspiring sight to see a cascading curtain of water tumble down the cliffs and plunge into a deep canyon amidst thunderous roars.
