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SSJG Heritage Centre Broome

SSJG Heritage Centre Broome

The Heritage Centre is a place for the sharing of social history related to the Sisters of St John of God and Aboriginal people of the Kimberley.  It is now part of SSJG Ministries Inc and as such is one of the ministries that the Sisters have chosen to support financially. 

The Sisters of St John of God were founded in Ireland in 1871 and are an apostolic religious congregation of women.

In 1907 nine Sisters arrived in Beagle Bay Mission, lead by Sr Antonio O’Brien, to minister to Aboriginal women and children.  They responded to whatever works were needing to be done and so commenced teaching, nursing, training of the older girls and a wide range of domestic duties.

In 1908 Sr Antonio, together with Sr Benedict Courtney, came by lugger to Broome with the intention of trying to establish a convent.  They had no money but were greatly assisted by the donation of a one room cottage near the church and some basics such as bedding provided by the Japanese and Chinese merchants.  Again they responded to needs and started St Mary’s School, took on nursing duties and taught music among other things.  They were soon accepted in Broome by all races and classes of people.

Over the remaining years the Sisters branched out undertaking a number of ventures in Lombadina and Derby, then further afield at the desert community of Balgo Hills and later to the La Grange Mission (now Bidyadanga Community) south of Broome.

In 2007 the Sisters celebrated one hundred years of ministry in the Kimberley.  Several elderly Sisters have relocated to live in the Sisters of St John of God villa in Subiaco while seven remain in the Kimberley ministering in Balgo and Broome.

In Broome three of the Sisters are involved in ministry at the Heritage Centre on the Old Convent Campus.