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Ca Mau - Swamps, rivers and Mangrove forests

Ca Mau - Swamps, rivers and Mangrove forests

The town of Ca Mau is situated far away from any travel itinerary in the south of the country, which is why international tourists are still very rare. So far, the city is visited by more Vietnamese travelers.

The wholesale market near the riverside is very interesting for a stroll (though less for shopping for your own use). On the river itself, there is also a colourful floating market, which is especially busy in the early morning.

In addition, you can see every day peaceful monk ceremonies at the Cao Dai temple, which was built in 1066.

This city is the capital of Ca Mau Province. The whole province in the south of the country is far from any travel routes, which leads to almost non existing international tourism. So far its more an attraction for Vietnamese travelers. In spite of its rapid economic development in the last years - in particular through aquaculture, fisheries and fish processing - the town is not touristic.

Interesting for a stroll (albeit less for private shopping) around the wholesale market on the riverbank. On the river itself, there is also a colorful floating market, which is particularly active in the early hours of the morning. In addition, you can witness peaceful monk ceremonies on a daily bases at the Cao Dai temple built in 1966. At the edge of town there is an bird sanctuary with a small zoo where snakes, crocodiles, iguanas and turtles reside.

The area of Ca Mau is very salty and mostly covered by swamps and mangrove forests, which were partly destroyed during the war. The area is particularly interesting for bird and nature lovers, many rare birds settled down here, but also monkeys, snakes and other reptiles as well as many mosquitos. Today the mangrove forests are threatened especially by the fast expanding shrimp farming. However, through fish and shrimp farming the formerly very poor region came at least to some prosperity. The area of Ca Mau with its numerous waterways can easily be explored by boat.

A special attraction are the many original creeks that meander wildly through the countryside - there are mighty river arms, several hundred meters wide, wish roam through the green province. The way the whole delta looked before the many canals were drawn. The coasts are fringed by extensive mangrove forests.

The U Minh forest is situated north of the city and covers an area of 1,000 km ². During the war it was a favorite retreat of the Vietcong fighters. Within this period the swamp forest suffered a lot. In a reforestation program numerous eucalyptus trees were planted, as they have proved to be resistant to the defoliant Agent Orange. Bird enthusiasts can also explore this area by boat.

The tourist infrastructure in this remote area is still quite modest. Travelers who want to travel off the beaten track are in very good hands here.

The trip to Ca Mau can be made by speed boat, bus, car or via Vietnam Airlines, departing from Ho Chi Minh City.